GWP is organising a training on Water Governance and International Water Law (IWL) in Africa together with partner organisations. The training takes place in Kampala, Uganda, 11-14 November 2019. The deadline to apply is 6 September.
The regional training is aimed at strengthening capacities of institutions of countries and basin organisations in Africa in addressing issues related to transboundary water resources management through enhancing knowledge and skills necessary for promoting cooperation among countries. The training builds onto GWP’s past training workshops and is aligned with the emerging needs of Africa to facilitate transboundary water investments and better recognise the role of groundwater in integrated water resources management.
Who can participate ?
The primary target audience for this training is transboundary water practitioners from African countries. In particular, personnel from RBOs, line ministries and respective regional organizations and economic commissions that have roles in implementing transboundary investment projects are encouraged to participate. The training will also consider a limited number of GWP Partners in Africa who are in position to contribute with specialised knowledge and experience on water governance in international watercourses.
What is required ?
Interested applicants for the IWL training are required to have a university degree in Hydrology, Environmental Science, Earth Sciences, Law, Agriculture, International.
Relations or a related field
The training will be conducted in both English and French with simultaneous translation. Thus, participants are required to be proficient in either English or French.
Applicants are expected to share relevant case studies and examples from their work. Successful applicants will have an opportunity to further develop case studies after the workshop for potential inclusion in the GWP Toolbox.
Participants are expected to perform some preparation work before the training, including an online training on international water law, developed by the University of Geneva, Geneva Water Hub.
A complete list of requirements and instructions on how to apply is available in this announcement, and an application can be accessed here.
If you have questions or experience any technical difficulties, please contact Kathia.Havens
Application deadline
Applications will be accepted from 8 August – 6 September 2019
List of organising partners
The Global Water Partnership ; Nile IWRM Net/CapNet ; Water Resources Institute of the Ministry of Water and the Environment, Uganda ; African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO) ; UNECE, UNESCO, GIZ, Makerere University ; Northumbria University ; IGAD ; Waternet ; and the Geneva Water Hub.